Blog Your
own book
this summer!

The third annual BYOB challenge is underway!

Blog Your Own Book officially takes place during the month of August.

You publish a blog post a day that contributes to one topic so that at the end of the month you can bundle the posts into a short nonfiction book to self-publish.

Here's an example of a successful BYOB book that has been published.

The last two years Ninja Writers has expanded it to stretch over a four-month period:

  • In July we plan our topic and blog posts.
  • In August we write and publish our blog posts.
  • In September we edit our blog posts into a book.
  • and In October we publish our BYOB books on Kindle.

You missed this call, but it's not too late to get the recording!

It's completely free and we talked about how to prepare for the upcoming writing portion of BYOB

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